
Friday, 29 March 2013

Now I Can Love

Love is a funny thing. As a kid I expected my parents to love me unconditionally. They tried their best but I didn't always understand this especially when I wanted something from them and they couldn't or wouldn't  give it to me. Sometimes I  even wished I was born in a different home.

As I grew older, I didn't stop wanting to be loved. I just wanted it expressed differently instead of with things bought with money. I realised how complex love can be. Isn't it funny how each of us defines this concept for ourselves? We decide on what actions and behaviour we will exihibit in order to express our love for others. And then we create rules for others,  rules which they need to be careful not to break if they claim to love us.

A lot of times the people we love break the love rules we made, whether intentionally or accidentally. Sometimes our expectations do not meet with what they are willing to give to us in the name of love. Yes, it's an excellent recipe for heartbreak isn't it? Some "love experts" say each of us needs to love ourselves first before we can even begin to love others.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if perfect unconditional love existed? The good news is it does! God's love for us is perfect and one just needs to look at the cross to begin to grasp this. As I learn more about this love, I love myself more. I value myself more, I appreciate my strengths and I work on my weaknesses. I am learning to be patient, kind and forgiving to myself. Knowing how loved I am makes it is easier for me to genuinely love and care about others.
God loves me => I love myself => I can love others
The following are my favourite bible verses on love..
Mark 12: 31
The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
What do you think about perfect love? Is it possible? Have you experienced unconditional love?

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