
Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Why Should I, You or AnyBody Love God?

Is this a question you have asked yourself? I have and I still do.
What do I love God? Is this a mind boggling question for you. God knows I have tried doing this and it isn't easy loving someone whom I haven't seen and who hasn't communicated with me directly, or over the phone, or via any chat facility.

Christian folks may be familiar with the greatest commandments that Jesus gives in the New Testament. Just to refresh..
Luke 10:27 says "Love the Lord your God with all all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'
So if we call ourselves Christians we must love God but why? As adults we love our parents because we understand deeply how they loved us, nurtured us, protected us and sacrificed much for us.  Likewise I reckon it will be easy to start loving God if we truly bein to understand His Grace.That this merciful God loved us first. He sent His son to suffer and die for us that our lives may not end upon death!! That we may not be a prisoner to our sins and its consequences! I love God because many times I didn't do what I was supposed to and yet he showed me mercy and grace!

So how can we express our love?
1 John 5: 3 says
"This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome".
I especially love the second bit the most. I believe if we understand His love we will want to keep his commandments. It will be easy because we will know that its good for us, that it will bring us joy and peace and true happiness. And if we fail, we will pick ourselves up knowing we are forgiven and that God will provide the tools and resources to help us change that part of our lives.

According to Mark 12:31 the second greatest commandment is:
The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."
So this Valentines Day show God some loving by not distorting the truth and sharing His love with grace with all the people you claim to love. Show them His mercy, His kindness through your own actions!!
Happy Valentines Day

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